टाला टुली बटुली कती राम्री पुतली. We all of us must have read or at least heard this rhyme during our childhood. For most of us it is nothing more than a rhyme. But youths from Alternatives (a youth led organisation in Pokhara) were so moved by this sentence that for them it was more than a rhyme. They sensed some enterpreneurhsip culture in this rhyme and it gave rise to a programme called Tala tuli batuli kati ramri putali.
The programme is very simple and easy but it worths a billion dollar. As per this programme the Alternatives team went to Bal Mandir school and gave orientation to the students there on entrepreneurship. The students then had to prepare some goods, toys, decoration items or any other useful things from something being unused or thrown out. There were motorboats, bicycles, houses, dolls etc prepared by students from unused things. All the creations from students were evaluated by a panel of judges and the top five were awarded with prizes.
I have read somewhere “Even a stopped clock gives right time twice a day”. So nothing in this world is useless. The only thing is we need to have skills to use it. This was the main theme of the programme "Tala tuli batuli kati ramri putali". And the students of Bal mandir of pokhara have proved it. The students contributed in reducing the waste as well as the entrepreneurship culture has been incorporated in them since their childhood. If this programme is run in all schools it helps in reducing the burden of waste in our society and keeps our environment clean where as on the other hand it helps students in creative thinking and proliferates entrepreneurship culture in them since their childhood.